The Rhythm Centre Trust :: Mission Statement

• Facilitate making simple musical instruments using a host of different materials, (the instruments might include, drums, percussion equipment, marimbas, Kalimbas, instruments from junk, small harps etc).

• Teach the playing of rhythm on these instruments as an individual as well as a co-operative creative process. The centre would have many practice rooms for individuals and small ensembles as well as a performance/group teaching space all with proper sound insulation.

• Orchestrate special workshops featuring overseas and local exponents.

• Train facilitators who, with a van containing many different instruments and recording equipment, would travel to other areas of New Zealand to enable groups including schools to participate in 'Village-Style' creative music making and Village Drum Circles.

• Record participants offerings as a teaching aid, as a momento, as feedback, inspiration or a source of future creative development.

• Incorporate movement. As rhythm and music are at one with each other, so too is dance a relationship of the body with rhythm. Dance helps immensely in the playing and understanding of rhythm.

• Create regular performances at the venue as well as in the public arena.