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Image - Rhythm in Schools - child drumming.
Image - tiny drum Rhythm is in all things at all times. It is through that living-motion of rhythm that all things are advanced and developed.
Image - tiny drum We bring a large van-full of instruments that include drums and percussion pieces such as Kalimbas, Marimbas and Djembe drums from Africa, Asia and America - plus a number of instruments made in Auckland by members of the Rhythm Centre Trust and Bang On Drums. The RCT will help schools make their own as soon as our workshop is fitted out - approx Nov 2002.
Image - send email button
  Rhythm in Schools - Benefits  

Image - Rhythm in Schools - group of high school students drumming with Fraser Bruce
Group of high school students in rhythm session with Fraser Bruce.

What we teach :: benefits and essential skills embodied in the Rhythm in Schools programme:

:: Communicating ideas and feelings through composition, performance, gesture, movement and dance.
:: Developing Social and Cooperative Skills through listening, collaboration with others and exploration of a range of dynamics.
:: Using Problem Solving Skills by experimenting and exploring rhythmic patterns and materials for sound generation.
:: Developing Self-management and Competitive Skills through practice. Refining individual and group music making and critically assessing performances.
:: Developing Physical Skills of coordination, flexibility, agility and strength using instrumeents, movement and voice.
:: Using Informational Skills to analyse, synthesise, organise and present information.
:: Using Numeracy Skills through rhythm, pattern, repetition and sequence.
:: Taking responsibility for personal Work and Study Skills and working to achieve goals.

Rhythm in Schools uses the most basic and simple principles

   These principles use the drum as a tool for unity within the school environment. The spirit and magic of drums, percussion and rhythm reach all ages, sexes, religions, races and cultures.
   Whether your school's program is purposed towards education, inspiration or community building, the Rhythm Centre's Rhythm in Schools programme will rapidly eliminate social barriers while creating a fun and dynamic environment that will ensure success.
   The Rhythm Centre also offer educational programs and workshops for teachers, so you can incorporate rhythm-based events into your curriculum.

"Kids just
want to
   have fun!"

   In bringing the Rhythm in Schools experience directly to schools, we create a high energy kids activity that provides immediate gratification and feedback while encouraging self expression and self esteem through cooperation, contribution, and musical communication.
   We bury any message you want to deliver inside a fun Rhythm in Schools activity that experientially and kinesthetically demonstrates specific principles of success.
   Through rhythmic communication, Rhythm in Schools provides a hands-on experience that exemplifies direct, immediate action and result.

goals for pupils:

Image - tiny drum Communication.

Image - tiny drum Social and cooperative skills.

Image - tiny drum Problem solving skills.

Image - tiny drum Self-management and competitive skills.

Image - tiny drum Physical skills.

Image - tiny drum Informational skills.

Image - tiny drum Numeracy skills.

Image - tiny drum Work and study skills.

:: Developing practical knowledge in the Arts - arranging and composing.
:: Developing ideas in the Arts - arranging and composing.
:: Communicating and interpreting in the Arts - rehearsing, performing and recording.
:: Understanding the Arts in context - discovering and researching social origins and history of musical structures and genres.

Rhythm in Schools works with and integrates auditory, kinesthetic and visual modes.

Image - tiny drum As a model for educators and an experience for children, a Rhythm in Schools event demonstrates the effects of action and interaction combining auditory, kinesthetic and visual modalities to enhance communication, encourage cooperation and stimulate quality peer relationships.

For further information contact Fraser Bruce:
or go here for contact details.

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 The Rhythm Centre - connecting you with the power of rhythm
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   Official web site of the New Zealand Rhythm Centre Trust - dedicated to teaching and exploration of rhythm in all its forms Image - corner