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Image - rhythm in schools - boy drumming on bin drum
“Fraser had the children all involved and managed to capture the interest of my more apathetic students. Nice manner with students, allowed them to experiment with sounds as well as beats”
:: Opotiki College
Image - tiny drum In indigenous, land based cultures such as in Africa, Polynesia or Asia etc, rhythm, drumming, music, singing and dancing are cornerstones to the cohesiveness, celebration, and continuity of their communities.
    Not only does it release community and personal stresses, it also bonds members within the community.
It sharpens participants' mental and physical agility through the right and left brain functions that rhythm and music creates, while at the same time producing feelings of wellbeing.
Image - tiny drum The new wave of teachers are not looking towards musical virtuosity, but provide an opportunity for children to participate in the healing power of rhythm.
Image - send email button
  Rhythm in Schools - Introduction  
Image - Rhythm in Schools in action at one of New Zealands many rural schools.

An exciting musical journey for children - developed through practical music-making.

   The Rhythm Centre works with educators, primary schools and high schools in the following areas:
:: enhancing creativity, improving physical and mental wellbeing in the classroom.
:: providing a range of options for support, in line with the Achievement Objectives specified in the Arts Curriculum for Music.
   Rhythm-making is now a part of the new Arts Curriculum. For more details on some of the Strands that outline how outcomes and assessments can be achieved CLICK HERE

 :: Working in Primary Schools
The Rhythm Centre can provide a range of options for support in line with the Achievement Objectives specified in the Arts Curriculum for Music (p.68) - for example:
Available options
Working with boys
Working with selected class groups
Team & syndicate teaching with other teachers
On-site staff and teacher development
Arts-focus weeks and festivals
Lunchtime/afterschool interest groups
Staff/team-building excercises

 :: Working in Secondary Schools
Available options
Providing support for achievement objectives
Developing physical knowledge and ideas
Communicating and interpreting
Musical support for Unit Standards (NZQA 10651, 10652, 10666)
Musical support for Achievement Standards (1.1; 1.2; 2.1) in performance at Levels 1 & 2 and Unit Standards (10196, 10872, 10876, 12978) in Performance Production (sound).
Direction Skills can be negotiated
Staff/team-building excercises

the process

:: We bring an orchestra of sound making equipment and after a brief introduction, give plenty of opportunity for pupils to experiment and find their own rhythms which we all get to play.
:: We show how different sounds go together and what a difference tempo and tone makes.
:: We often record as we play so that pupils get instant feedback and confirmation of their wonderful ‘works in progress’.
:: It is a good idea for schools to take digital shots of their pupils in action as they do reveal some startling insights about the players!
:: It is also not uncommon for teachers to find this a little hard to grasp initially compared with the children. This occurs mainly because teachers sometimes are concerned about ‘sounding right’.
:: All that is required is that one relaxes into the process and enjoys it, for the rhythm entrains the hands leading the hands to synergise with the music being made.
Image - mini drums A tool for unity within the school environment.

Image - mini drums Reaches all ages, sexes, religions, races and cultures.

Image - mini drums Rapidly eliminates social barriers.

Image - mini drums Creates a fun and dynamic environment.

Image - mini drums High energy kids activity.

Image - mini drums Encourages self expression and self esteem.

Image - mini drums Provides immediate gratification and feedback.

Image - mini drums Uses auditory, kinesthetic and visual modalities.
The Rhythm Centre also offers:

Training for educational professionals

   The Rhythm Centre makes the Rhythm in Schools format available to education professionals through hands-on workshops where non-musicians can learn to facilitate rhythm- based events with kids.

Training for facilitators

   In addition. the Rhythm Centre offers workshops for Rhythm in Schools facilitators. These workshops are geared towards people with some experience in music, but are open to everyone. Facilitator workshops are available in locations around New Zealand.

For further information contact Fraser Bruce:
or go here for more contact details.

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 The Rhythm Centre - connecting you with the power of rhythm
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   Official web site of the New Zealand Rhythm Centre Trust - dedicated to teaching and exploration of rhythm in all its forms Image - corner