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Image - Fraser and Jenny in Village Drum Circle
An hour or two of
play-along fun for everyone - there maybe a small charge and all are welcome.
Advice for Beginning Beginners:

   Along with the standard Village Drum Circle etiquette suggestions, here's some advice for beginning beginners who are joining a drum circle event for the first time.
:: Enjoy the journey. In all the excitement don't forget to have fun Although it will help you to follow the simple Drum Circle Etiquette guide lines, you don't really have to be an experienced drummer to fully participate and have a good time
:: Don't worry, even if you might think that you are rhythmically challenged. Just get started and you will find rhythms inside of you that you didn't know you had. All you have to do is actively participate in the drum circle event, and the excitement and rhythms that will surround you will pull out of you exactly what you need to fully contribute to the group song.
:: You don't even need to play a drum. You can bring a simple percussion instrument, like a shaker, a bell or a wood block. They are a lot easier to play than a hand drum.
:: Support the drum community experience. If you are participating in a drum circle event for the first time, the best way to play is with an attitude of humility and support. Be very observant of the actions and reactions of the more advanced drummers who are playing in the circle, and you will learn a lot quickly
:: Keep it simple. Listen for, then play along with and around the pulse that will always be somewhere in the music. It is like keeping the side of the pool within reach as your learning how to swim. The simple pulse will always be there for you to "grab on to" if you ever get rhythmically lost while playing. Once you're comfortable with what you are playing, you can explore deeper rhythmical waters. Just keep the pulse in sight.

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  Join us at the next Village Drum Circle  

3 years old or 90, you can join us in the Rhythm Centre's Village Drum Circles.

   All are welcome in these powerful, non-judgemental community events. It won't be long before your foot is tapping and you're reaching for one of the large variety of available drums and rhythm instruments.

   Ask any of the Rhythm Centre's drummers if you need help - you'll be up and drumming in no time. No experience is necessary and it's completely free!

   The concept behind Village Drum Circles is based on inclusion, no matter what the race or nationality. Music and drumming span all cultures and nationalities.

"no experience necessary - it's completely free"

   There is a basic agreement in these kind of events that each person in the circle is there to share their rhythmical spirit and personal energy with the community that is present. With this kind of group conciseness, even a large drum circle can be a very powerful, yet intimate experience for everybody as they create unity in their community by drumming together. The musical part of any drum circle will take care of it's self, if every player is there to share their spirit and have fun. Life is a dance.

Image - Rhythm Centre - Village Drum Circle drummers giving it their all
Rhythm Centre's Village Drum Circle drummers giving it their all

Schedule :: Next Village Drum Circles
When Where
Friday 11th August 2006

Rhythm Centre 2/7 Westech Place


Waitakere City

ph 0276 368 126


Dynamic relationships

   Village Drum Circle events of any kind are about dynamic interactive musical and personal relationships. These relationships happen in any rhythmic group event and are based on a simple set of unwritten guidelines. When adhered to, these guide lines can help direct the group of players to their highest musical potential.

Ancestral Evolution of guidelines

Image - all are welcome at the Rhythm Centre Village Drum Circles   In culturally specific circles, unwritten guidelines have been developed through centuries of ancestral evolution. They can also apply to any contemporary western version of a drum circle, from a "freeform" drum-jam to a facilitated community rhythm event. These unwritten musical and personal relationship guide lines are contained within what we call Drum Circle Etiquette.
   To most drum circle regulars, these guide lines are just nonverbal agreements everyone adheres to in order to create a fun and exciting musical experience together.

Drum Circle Etiquette suggestions

   Below are my standard Drum Circle Etiquette suggestions for playing in most community drumming environments. Using these suggestions will help you comfortably merge into an ongoing drumming circle with out being obtrusive. By adhering to these Drum Circle Etiquette guide lines you will make the drum circle experience more enjoyable for yourself and those around you. You will then be a fully participating and contributing member of an in-the- moment called a drum circle.
:: Don't wear rings, watches or bracelets while playing hand drums. This protects the head on the drum, as well as the drum itsself from the metal. It also protects your hands.
:: Ask permission before playing someone else's drum. For some drummers their instrument is a very personal possession. Also if some one gets up and leaves the circle to get a drink or go to the bathroom don't immediately jump in and take their seat. In some drumming communities the drummers will put something on their seat, cover their drum with something or lay their drum on it's side to signify that they will be back.
:: Listen as much as you play. By listening to what's going on in the circle as you play, you will have a better sense of how you might fit into the groove that is being created.
:: Support the fundamental groove that you hear in the drum song being created in the circle. You don't have to be a rhythm robot and hold down
the same part all night long. There is plenty of freedom with in the fundamental groove to experiment with, while expressing your rhythmical

For further information contact Fraser Bruce:
or go here for contact details.

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