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Village Drum Circles
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Image - drumming and rhythm can be a family activity that is both healing and bonding
Image - tiny drum Ground-breaking research demonstrates immune-system enhancement after one hour of group drumming.
Image - tiny drum Pythagoras of Samos, a very wise teacher of ancient Greece, knew how to work with sound. In his mystery schools in Delphi and Crotona, he taught his students how certain musical chords and melodies could produce responses within the human organism. He demonstrated that the right sequence of sounds, played musically on an instrument, can change behavior patterns and accelerate the healing process.
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  rhythm & healing: research & studies  
If you're looking for in-depth information on Rhythm and Healing, you've come to the right place.

Relationship between drumming and immune-system enhancement

Check out the fascinating and detailed 9-page study by a U.S. research group entitled: "Composite effects of group drumming music therapy on modulation of neuroendocrine-immune parameters in normal subjects."


"Should Drums be Sold in Pharmacies?" by Christine Stevens.


"Health and Wellness at PASIC 2001" by Dr. 'Dutch' Workman.

Image - Drummers and audience in Village Drum Circle - an excercise in healing and community
Drummers and audience in Rhythm Centre Village Drum Circle - remarkable things can happen when people and rhythm combine.

Research, Studies & Articles
:: Composite effects of group drumming -
Pages: (1)  (2)  (3)  (4)  (5)  (6)  (7)   (8)  (9)

:: Should Drums be Sold in Pharmacies?
Pages: (1)  (2)

:: Health and Wellness at PASIC 2001
Pages: (1)

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 The Rhythm Centre - connecting you with the power of rhythm
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